Dispose of Spam with Disposable Emails And More!

~8 minutes to read

Have you ever received spam to your email address? Unless you are extremely lucky or are actually disconnected from the Internet and thus most probably not reading this, chances are you might have had an offer or two to receive gold from a Nigerian prince in the past. Before those princes and princesses generously start giving away their cryptocurrency in the near future in exchange for a trip to Western Union, get prepared and hide away your precious address!

Have You Been Pwned?

~4 minutes to read

Has your password been leaked in a major breach? You can find out thanks to Have I Been Pwned?… Or you can use their API and stop worrying about your password being sent through your Web browser!

Number of Paths in a Grid… or in Life

~5 minutes to read

Finding one’s way in life is not easy because there are so many paths we can take at any moment. Here is a way to look at it mathematically!

Executing Shell Commands in a Python Script

~2 minutes to read

Even for simple tasks, it is often worth basing one’s work on existing solutions when it is an appropriate option… And such can be the case when writing Python scripts!